Prayer of the Faithful
For 5th May 2024

Celebrant : The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those assembled at the house of Cornelius is a sign of divine approval. That the Church may continue to grow and flourish, let us now pray, saying,

Response : Lord, may the Holy Spirit guide the Church.

  1. For our Pope, Bishops, Priests and Religious: that as leaders in the Church they may carry forward the work of evangelization, thereby taking the message of the gospel far and wide, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  2. That our families may become places where love reigns: parents loving their children, children showing love and affection for their parents, and parents showing mutual love and respect for each other, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  3. That freedom of religion and freedom of speech present in our Constitution may not be curtailed or denied to any person living in our country, we pray to the Lord .... Response

  4. That the concerned authorities may make all arrangements for safe crossing at Holy Family chowk, so that our seniors, children and others may cross safely, and for all those involved in this work, we pray to the Lord .... Response

(Pray for community and personal needs.... we pray to the Lord....)

Celebrant : God, our Father, we thank you for the gift of life. Give us the grace that we may not forsake this precious gift but use it to bear fruits that will last unto eternal life. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.