Notices for this week
19th May 2024
  1. Today is Pentecost Sunday. The English & Konkani prayer groups of our parish will be organizing a prayer service from 4.30 pm onwards in Church It will include a talk and adoration. All are invited.

  2. We are looking out for persons who would be willing to lead in the recitation of the Rosary at 6:30 p.m. at our Church. Individuals would get a turn about once a week. For details please look up the Notice board or get in touch with Fr Gerard.

  3. You are reminded of your Christian duty to vote on Mon, 20th May 2024. Please vote wisely. Make sure you know the party symbols. Carry a copy of your Aadhar card and your Election card. Do not carry your mobile phone to the voting booth.

  4. The Youth of the Missionary Families of Christ invites the youth of our parish to "Mission Possible 2024". Look up the Notice board for further details.

Mass Intentions :
May 19  10.15 am  Memorial Mass for Jane Noronha
May 25  7.30 am  Month's Mind Mass of Clyde George Almeida